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A few thoughts from 40 minutes of play:

  1. Doom-style dashes are good, but not in only one direction!!! I actually said "Aw, man..." the moment I realized it. It would feel 100x better to have the full range of WASD dashes.
  2. Double jumping is disabled if you fall off of a ledge. One of the best uses of a midair jump is correcting your mistakes if you happen to slip while platforming...
  3. Seppuku one of the best features, but is bound to Q by default. Very easy to accidentally press in a scramble...
  4. The pixel vomit filter is amazing for the aesthetic, not amazing for seeing what's hitting you and shooting distant targets. Maybe scale the intensity down whilst the Spirit is aiming down sights?
  5. Leve design is a little meandering in places. It's easy to get lost on the roof of the Gulag Express.
  6. The Spirit of Anarchy has a very unique playstyle among boomer shooter characters! I love that melee is your default action, and that using iron-sights is required to shoot. Like it, keep it, hope you put new twists on it later in the game.
  7. The Spirit of Anarchy's voice is 10/10. She sounds weirdly motherly.
(1 edit)

thanks for the feedback, i really appreciate it. i'll experiment with some of these suggestions. the pixel vomit is something i struggle with, getting the right mix of style and playability is tough. level designs change constantly, so i can work on meandering sections.

my wife does the voice for the spirit of anarchy, glad you enjoyed her work :)